9mm - 115 gr FMJ - Wolf WPA Polyformance - 500 Rounds
Submitted 10 years 3 months ago by Bill Mountains.
Newly manufactured Wolf WPA Polyformance Ammunition!
Manufactured in one of Wolf's legendary production facilities in Russia. This product is steel-cased, berdan-primed, non-corrosive, and non-reloadable.
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Video Transcript:
Wolf ammo is manufactured in Russia and is some of the least expensive centerfire ammo available in the country. They have a few different brands, and the ammo we're looking at today is the 115-grain, 9mm WOLF PolyFornance.
Like most WOLF ammo, this is steelcased with a light polymer coating on the outside of the case to help with reliable feeding. The cases are not reloadable, but they contain non-corrosive primers and should not damage or fire on in any way.
Contrary to popular belief, the bullets used in WOLF ammo do not contain a steel core. They use a typical lead core and a bimetal jacket of steel and copper. Some shooting ranges prohibit the use of ammo that will attract a magnet, as these bullets do. However, they are generally just as safe as other types of ammo, and I've never personally experienced any problems with damage to targets or ricochets.
We tried out this ammo in a few different test guns with mixed results. It fed just fine in most of our guns, but we had some trouble with our Kahr CW9. Kahr recommends only using brass-cased ammo in their guns, so it's not entirely surprising that we would have had a couple of failures to feed. Other guns seemed to handle it just fine, and none of the failures involved any ignition problems.
We tested accuracy from a benchrest at 15 yards using a Beretta 92. The results were not too bad, and it seemed about equal to most other low cost range ammo in this caliber. We shot a few extra rounds with our Beretta Storm carbine, and got a bit better accuracy even out to 25 yards.
Say what you want about cheap Russian ammo. If the gun and the shooter are up to the task, it should perform pretty well in most cases.
If you need some inexpensive range ammo, and you aren't looking for reloadable brass, then WOLF PolyFormance will get the job done.
Additional Information
Bullet Weight
115 Grain
Bullet Type
Full Metal Jacket (FMJ)
Use Type
Range Training
Ammo Casing
Ammo Caliber
9mm Luger (9x19)
Primer Type
UPC Barcode
Store Name:
Price Per Round: