45 ACP - 230 Grain BJHP - Remington Golden Saber- 500 Rounds
Submitted 6 years 9 months ago by Buck00.
Invest a bulk case of premium self-defense ammunition, and you'll have a great supply of CCW stock with which to practice for consistent recoil management and sight rhythm both on the range and in a dire situation. These .45 ACP rounds belong to Remington's "Golden Saber" line which is manufactured specifically as a duty and defense load. Golden Sabers are named for their brass-jacketed projectiles which are brighter in tone than typical copper-jacketed bullets but harder on the surface. This increased hardness helps preserve the round's wounding capacity after penetrating past drywall, light wood, or heavy denim & leather. Golden Saber bullets also have wide-mouth tips accompanied by spiraling serrations.
This construction encourages the 230-grain bullet to open up reliably impact so that its expansion causes it to tumble, yaw, and leave its momentum in vital areas rather than sailing straight through the target. Each projectile is locked into a reloadable brass casing that is equipped with a non-caustic Boxer primer and nickel plating which smooths cycling and shrugs off corrosion. The 230-grain weight matches a plethora of .45 Auto loads for shooter familiarity. Remington is a powerhouse in the American shooting market that has its name on numerous types of ammo and firearms. Their Golden Saber loads have been improved over the years in order to meet more demanding requirements listed by law enforcement agencies.
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