300 AAC Blackout - 150 Grain FMJ - Ammo Inc. - 200 Rounds
Submitted 2 years 9 months ago by black_guns.
Rev up your 300 AAC Blackout rifle – we’ve got the goods by Ammo Inc. in stock! This 300 Blackout ammo is ideal for all your adventures at the local rifle range, and its convenient plastic box makes it a must-have for any prepper who’d trust his .30 cal AR during a crisis.
This cartridge’s 150 grain bullet is light enough to achieve a ripping fast 1,850 fps muzzle velocity. If you’re looking for subsonic 300 Blk, then brother, this ain’t it! The bullet itself is a plain Jane FMJ, with a solid lead core and solid copper jacket that won’t attract a magnet. It’s plenty accurate, though, as this ammo is assembled with the aid of match grade technology.
Ammo Inc. carefully loads their ammo to provide a reliable balance of velocity, accuracy and recoil. Each round sports a reloadable brass case and non-corrosive Boxer primer. This American-made ammo also showcases its manufacturer’s proprietary Hyperclean Technology, which promotes total combustion of the powder to keep a rifle cleaner and more accurate.
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