Federal 5.56mm 62gr FMJBT Steel Core Ammunition 420rds on Stripper Clips w/Ammo Can - XM855LC1 AC1
Submitted 6 years 2 months ago by black_guns.
This is first run ammo that met the U.S. Military's strict quality assurance standards and specifications. Packaged in a new Sealed Mil-Spec reusable ammo can, These Federal 5.56mm rounds feature 62 grain, full metal jacket boat-tailed casings with a steel core. Ammunition is loaded on 10-round stripper clips for convenience. Other features include green painted penetrator tip, non-corrosive, and boxer primed with fully reloadable brass cases. Get it with FREE shipping. This ammunition has passed Military Specification Testing and is NOT Quality Control Rejected Ammunition. This ammunition does not carry the label "NOT FOR DUTY USE".
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