Make Any Backpack A Bulletproof Backpack
Submitted 7 years 7 months ago by Zombie Fate.
This bulletproof backpack panel makes any backpack or bag into a bulletproof backpack. It uses the same ballistic materials as our bulletproof vest. Place it inside a backpack, briefcase, bug-out bag or even a purse. It provides NIJ level IIIA protection, which means it will stop almost all handgun rounds including a .44 Magnum.
The panel is 10 inches by 14 inches and weighs just 24 ounces (1.5 lbs).
Our panel is enclosed in a washable, 600 denier polyester carrier. This carrier provides a tough outer shell so that you don't have to worry about carrying other items in your backpack. The BulletSafe bulletproof backpack panel is rugged enough for everyday use.
Originally, the BulletSafe Bulletproof Backpack Panel was designed by our company President for his children's backpacks. Our company then launched a successful Indiegogo campaign and the public responded. People wanted the opportunity to buy a bulletproof panel at a reasonable price and our panel offered additional features (washability, durability) that help it survive in a kid's backpack. Here is the video from that campaign featuring the Nardone family.
Since the success of that campaign, our panel is now available to everyone. Like our vest, the BulletSafe Backpack Panel is priced so that anyone can afford ballistic protection.
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