AK47 Magazine Speed Loader - Keepshooting®
Submitted 11 years 6 months ago by GunGal.
The reliability of the AK-47 is nothing new. Everyone has known for years that the AK-47 is the equivalent of the Energizer Bunny – it keeps going and going. A big reason for that is the use of loose-fitting moving parts in the rifle, which allows it to withstand substantial fouling and foreign matter before succumbing to failure. An often overlooked contributor, however, is the magazine.
The most reliable rifle in the world is only as reliable as its magazine, which is responsible for feeding it ammunition. For the AK-47, that is a good thing. Its pronounced curve coupled with the tapered cartridge case of the 7.62x39mm provide for smooth feeding. Additionally, the heavy steel feeding lips are very resistant to damage.
But with steel feeding lips also come sore thumbs from hand loading. Make hand loading a thing of the past by picking up our new AK-47 magazine speed loader from NcStar. With the AK-47 magazine speed loader, you can fill your high-capacity AK-47 and 7.62x39mm magazines to capacity in a matter of seconds while saving your thumbs for whatever it is you like to do with them.
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