Leupold SX-1 Ventana 2 Spotting Scope w/ Free Shipping and Handling
Submitted 7 years 8 months ago by KillShot.
Product Info for Leupold SX-1 Ventana 2 Spotting Scope
Get up close and personal with nature. Our new SX-1 Ventana combines sleek and striking industrial design, and superior optical quality with a price that keeps exceptional spotting within reach. With more eyepiece choices, extreme magnification ranges, and Leupolds Lifetime Warranty, you will experience greater comfort and more confidence - wherever you're viewing.
Specifications for SX-1 Ventana 2 Spotting Scope:
ED Glass:
Features of Leupold SX-1 Ventana 2 Spotting Scope:
Synergy Built
Smooth Focusing
Twist Up Eyecups
Armor coated, rugged, and waterproof.
Tripod Ready
Retractable Lens Shade
100% Waterproof and Fog Proof
Package Contents:
Leupold SX-1 Ventana 2 Spotting Scope
Leupold 170755: SX-1 Ventana 2 15-45x60mm Gray/Black
Leupold 170757: SX-1 Ventana 2 15-45x60mm Angled Gray/Black
Leupold 170758: SX-1 Ventana 2 15-45x60mm Angled Kit Gray/Black
Leupold 170756: SX-1 Ventana 2 15-45x60mm Kit Gray/Black
Leupold 170759: SX-1 Ventana 2 20-60x80mm Gray/Black
Leupold 170760: SX-1 Ventana 2 20-60x80mm Kit Gray/Black
Leupold 170761: SX-1 Ventana 2 20-60x80mm Angled Gray/Black
Leupold 170762: SX-1 Ventana 2 20-60x80mm Angled Kit Gray/Black
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