The BulletSafe Bulletproof Vest - Level IIIA for $299 - The Best Value
Submitted 7 years 6 months ago by Sam07.
A Great Bulletproof Vest at an Unbelievable Price. The BulletSafe Vest offers level IIIA (3A) protection for just $299. NIJ Level IIIA is enough protection to stop handgun rounds up to a .44 Magnum! This level of protection is available for the unbeatable price of $299.00. BulletSafe offers you a great bulletproof vest at an unbelievable price. BulletSafe vests are the best value in body armor. Order yours today.
What is class IIIA and why is it the right vest for me? Level IIIA (3A) is typically the highest level of protection you will find in soft armor. Our vest will protect you from everything from a BB gun to a .44 magnum. That is great protection. Don't settle for other vests that offer level IIA or level II. You want level IIIA.
Is this the best bulletproof vest on the market? The BulletSafe Vest is the best value in bulletproof vests. If you have to buy your own vest with real money, it is by far the best bulletproof vest.
The BulletSafe Vest is available in six sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL, and 4XL (the 4X vest is sold on a different page). Please use this helpful BulletSafe size chart. Your bulletproof vest size is NOT YOUR T-SHIRT SIZE. Use this height and weight chart to pick the best size vest for you. If you are between two sizes and you are fit, choose the smaller one. If you have more weight around your middle, choose the larger size.
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