45 ACP - 230 Grain TMJ - Ammo Inc. stelTH - 50 Rounds
Submitted 2 years 11 months ago by supressed.
Once you’ve graced your 45 ACP handgun with a valuable suppressor, why run just any old cartridges through it? Give it the best with Ammo, Incorporated’s stelTH line of ammunition, which is optimized specifically for suppressor use!
This round’s 230 grain bullet is loaded to a low and slow 757 fps muzzle velocity, so it creates significantly less report for a can to stifle. The bullet itself is a total metal jacket, which unlike a standard FMJ completely shields the lead in its core against scorching hot propellant gasses. That keeps vaporized lead from gumming up your suppressor’s baffles, lessening the amount of time you have to waste cleaning.
stelTH ammo also showcases Ammo, Incorporated's proprietary Hyperclean Technology. It ensures that all of a round’s propellant burns up entirely, even further mitigating the amount of carbon residue you’ll have to contend with once your range session has concluded.
This downright hygienic subsonic ammo is manufactured and thoroughly inspected in the heart of Arizona. Its new brass cases and sensitive primers make the perfect complement to propellant and bullets that will keep you shooting straighter, longer!
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