45 ACP - 230 Grain FMJ - Wolf Military Classic - 50 Rounds
Submitted 4 years 3 months ago by wayof9.
This 45 ACP cartridge from WOLF Performance Ammunition’s Military Classic line of ammunition sports a 230 grain projectile, its caliber’s original bullet weight when it was first introduced around the turn of the century. Ideally suited for plinking, target shooting, and training, this round’s bullet features a full metal jacket which will protect your rifle’s bore from being fouled by the lead within its core.
This cartridge is practical for high volume shooters, as its steel casing makes it particularly affordable. The casing’s polymer coating both protects it against corrosion while at the same time assuring that the round feeds and ejects easily in semi-automatic pistols. Its steel casing, along with its non-corrosive Berdan primer, makes this round unfit for handloading, although its cost-effectiveness is enough to make even the most ardent brass picker happy.
Although headquartered in California, WOLF manufactures this line of ammunition in Russia. That gives it a certain touch of authenticity, as the country is well-known for their long tradition of making steel cased ammunition.
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