45 ACP - 230 Grain CMJ - Fiocchi Shooting Dynamics - 50 Rounds
Submitted 7 years 3 months ago by hunting north.
This .45 ACP ammunition makes a great range load for owners of 1911s, SIG P220s, Glock 21s and other pistols chambered in this venerable caliber. It is particularly well suited for indoor shooting due to its use of complete metal jacket bullets (similar to total metal jackets from other manufacturers).
Whereas typical FMJs have a copper jacket that leaves the base of the lead core exposed, CMJs encapsulate the entire core in copper. This prevents airborne lead release when the cartridge is fired. When ventilation at a shooting venue is relatively poor, this is a particularly notable safety benefit.
Each cartridge in this box of 50 fires a 230 grain CMJ bullet at a muzzle velocity of 860 feet per second. This produces typical .45 Auto ballistics. As a standard pressure load, this ammo works well in older or subcompact guns.
Fiocchi ammo uses non-corrosive Boxer primers and reloadable brass cases. It is loaded in both the USA and Italy.
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