22 LR - 42 Grain LRN - Eley Force - 50 Rounds
Submitted 3 years 3 days ago by trust2nd.
Eley is one of the biggest names around when it comes to competition-grade 22 LR ammunition. Their Force line of ammo is significantly more powerful than usual – perfect for when you’re trying to tighten up your groups at long range!
This round’s bullet weighs more than usual at 42 grains. Its muzzle velocity does not suffer for it, however. When fired from a rifle, this round’s bullet should remain faster than 1,000 fps at 100 yards. That’s going to convey a satisfyingly flat trajectory indeed.
Eley loads this little cartridge with a high-quality lead round nose projectile. Its rounded ogive prohibits terminal expansion, but it does promote very smooth feeding in magazine-fed firearms. This bullet is even treated with beeswax to ensure reliable chambering!
Eley’s cut case mouth gives their projectile optimal seating, and it yields nice and evenly during ignition so as to assure consistent ballistic performance. Eley’s primers and powder generate all the chamber pressure any semi-auto needs to cycle without fail.
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