BulletSafe Bulletproof Vest Giveaway

We would like to congratulate Tom C. from Louisville, KY. You are the winner!


About BulletSafe:BulletSafe Bulletproof Vests - BulletSafe makes a great bulletproof vest at an unbelievable price. You can buy our vest right here. It offers NIJ Level IIIA protection. It's a great vest too, with a large coverage area, plate pockets for ballistic plates, 6 sizes to fit almost everyone, and high-quality materials. Bulletsafe bulletproof vests are the first great, affordable bulletproof vests.

How do we make a great bullet resistant vest for such a low price? Simple, first we decided that we wanted to offer the best bulletproof vest for the price, anywhere. Then we designed the vest. We didn't need to sacrifice protection or quality, we just had to limit the options available. Our vest is available in one style, six sizes, and you can order any color you want, as long as that color is black (Just like Henry Ford's Model T). Our vest will meet the needs of lots of people, and our price is attractive to everyone.

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