Remington 700 SPS TACT AAC-SD 308 Hogue Overmolded Ghillie Green
Submitted 11 years 3 months ago by skill sniper.
The Model 700 SPS Tactical AAC SD Rifle features 308 Win with 20" Heavy Barrel with 5/8-24 Threaded Muzzle. Shipped with Thread Protector Installed. Accepts AAC and all 5/8-24 Threaded Flash Hider, Muzzle Brake and Suppressor. 1 in 10" Rate of Twist for 168 grain-220 grain Bullets and Sub-Sonic Loads. Hogue Over molded Ghillie Green Pillar Bedded Stock. X-Mark Pro Externally Adjustable Trigger Set at 3 1/2 Pounds.
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