RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme Master Single Stage Press Kit
Submitted 11 years 4 months ago by Mentor.
The RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme press is designed to last a lifetime. The Rock Chucker Supreme Press features easy operation, ambidextrous handle, outstanding strength and versatility. The Rock Chucker Supreme is packed full of useful features that every reloader will find handy and even has the ability to be upgraded to a progressive loader with the addition of the optional Piggyback-4 Conversion Kit (sold separately).
Technical Information
Press Type: Single Stage
Frame Material: Cast Iron
Frame Design: O-Frame
Frame Offset:
Frame Opening Size:
Handle Location: Bottom Right or Left hand
Die Size Accepted: Standard 7/8"-14 threaded dies and 1-1/4"-12 dies with bushing removed
Die Bushing Accepted: Yes
Die Bushing Brand Used: RCBS
Spent Primer Collection System: Yes
Ram Stroke: 4"
Ram Diameter:
Priming Feature: Priming Arm, will also accept RCBS Ram Priming Unit (sold separately)
Number of Mounting Holes: 2
Mounting Hardware Included: No
Additional Features:
Warranty: Lifetime warranty for home reloaders, warranty does not cover equipment used for commercial purposes
Master Kit Includes:
Rock Chucker Supreme Single Stage press
505 scale
Uniflow Powder Measure
Speer Reloading Manual
Hand priming tool with small and large primer plugs
Folding Hex Key Set with 0.050", 1/16", 5/64", 3/32", 7/64", 1/8", 9/64" and 5/32" keys
Universal Case Loading Block, which holds 40 cases in most rifle and pistol calibers
Case Lube Kit, which includes a 2 oz bottle of Case Lube-2, a case lube pad, 2 case neck brushes for .22 through .30 calibers and an accessory handle
Powder Funnel for .22 to .45 caliber, including the Winchester Short Magnum calibers
Chamfer and deburring tool for .17 through .60 caliber
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