MSA TC2000 ACH / MICH Level IIIA Ballistic Helmet - OD Green
Submitted 11 years 3 months ago by AZ Tactical.
The MSA Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) delivers advanced ballistic, fragmentation, and impact head protection, with unsurpassed comfort for long-term use. The helmets low-profile design reduces the risk of interference in target acquisition and ensures compatibility with NVGs (night-vision goggles), MSAs CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) Gas Masks, and MSAs communication devices.
An innovative suspension system of movable comfort pads provides customized sizing and superior comfort. The sized pads conform to the shape of your head to distribute the helmets weight evenly and comfortable. Simply adjust and move the absorbent pads for a flexible, personalized fit.
The MSA ACH, based on MSAs original MICH helmet, was developed for the U.S. Military Special Operations Command, meeting stringent requirements and unprecedented demands , and setting new performance standards. Named a Best Invention by U.S. Army Materiel Command, the U.S. Army was so impressed that MSAs ACH was adopted as the standard of issue for all troops deploying to the Iraq/Afghanistan Operations Theatre.
The MSA Ballistic Helmet Pad System is the suspension system for ACH, MICH and TC 2000 series ballistic helmets for the military. The Pad System provides standoff, comfort, protection and stability. The pads are easily attached, removed, and reattached to the inside of the inside of the helmet shell via a hook and loop fastening system in order to facilitate user comfort and integration with other equipment. The pads remain firmly in place when attached and provide the user with the ability to attach the pads where the wearer desires (i.e. in a variety of locations) and permit accommodation among different size and shape heads and some equipment.
The world s most advanced Level IIIA Ballistic and impact head protection
Unsurpassed comfort for long-term use, thanks to the innovative suspension system of movable comfort pads for customized sizing
Unsurpassed stability, due largely to 4-pt. chin strap system with nape pad
Low-profile design to reduce risk of interference in target acquisition
Compatibility with NVGs, CBRN Gas Masks & communication devices
Ballistic-rated hardware
Military specification ACH for fragmentation
7 Pc 1/2-Inch Modular Padding Included For Comfort, Impact Protection & Stability.
Weight: Medium 3lbs, XL 3.4lbs
Impact mitigation, less than 150gs force transmitted to the head at 10 fps
Minimum static load test of 150 lbs.
Minimum dynamic load test of 25 fps
Ballistic performance within the following temperature range: 40˚F to 160˚F
No degradation of performance after 3-Foot immersion in salt water for 3 hours
100% USA Made
Ballistic Resistance:
NIJ0101.04 Leval IIIA
9mm, 124 grain, FMJ @ 1450 fps, backface < 12 mm
44 Magnum 230gr
Fragmentation Resistance:
2 grain RCC @ 4075 fps
4 grain RCC @ 3450 fps
16 grain RCC @ 2425 fps
64 grain RCC @ 1700 fps
17 grain FSP @ 2150 fps
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