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DRT lead-free projectile is a revolutionary round. The bullet breaks apart on contact with a solid surface. The handgun ammunition is made to be an all-purpose round, disintegrating into a cloud of dust on steel but yet is effective on an organic target. It is a target and a carry round. Our round can be fired by law enforcement officers without any fear of ricochet or pass through, or fear of injury or death to innocent bystanders from ricochet or pass through. AmmoWARNING You must be 18 or older to purchase shotgun or rifle ammunition and 21 or older to purchase handgun ammunition. All ammunition must be shipped Domestic Ground. Shipping not available for International, DC, and MA residents. Residents of CA, DE, IL, NY and OH, may have additional restrictions. Always make sure you use the correct ammunition for your firearms. Check your state and local laws for any other applicable firearms and ammunition regulations. View full restrictions here.Ammunition pricing is per box.
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