Ammo 5.56 NATO Independence 55 Grain FMJBT Bullet 3165 fps 500 Rounds XM193I
Submitted 10 years 10 months ago by desertshield.
Made by ATK the Independance brand reflects all the positive aspects of Federal, Blazer and Lake City made ammunition at a value brand price.
5.56x45 NATO ammunition
Brass (Copper Alloy No. 260)
55 gr. FMJ Boat-Tail
M41 Operating Range: (-40 degrees to +125 degrees F)
Water resistant lacquer
3165 +/- 40 FPS (78 feet from muzzle) using a 5.56 test barrel, 20" long
1223 Ft-Lbs. at 78'
For use in standard 5.56x45mm chambers. Do not use in chambers not intended for 5.56 NATO.Price is per 500 round case.
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