250 rd case - 12 Gauge RIO 2.75 inch High Power 00 Buckshot 9 pellet RB129
Submitted 11 years 1 month ago by Prepped.
250 rounds per case. RIO brand buckshot ammunition. This Buckshot features 9 OO size pellets and a high velocity of 1345fps. It also has a clear hull for easy identification. This is high pressure buck shot and should work well in many types of shotguns including most semi automatics. Not recommended for use in Drum Mags for Siaga Shotguns due to fitting issues, but works great in traditional Siaga mags. This ammo is made in Spain, by RIO, one of the worlds largest manufacturers of shot shells. RIO has been in business for over 110 years and offers a quality product at a very competitive price. http://www.rioammo.com
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