Kaw Valley Precision 22cal Linear Comp-1/2x28 Flat Dark Earth Cerakote Finish
Submitted 10 years 11 months ago by Inked47.
Kaw Valley Precision Linear Compensators are currently available in 2 finishes: Black Oxide or Dark Earth Cerakote.Linear Comp Specs:Thread: 1/2" x 28OAL: 2 1/8"OD: .95 InchesCaliber: 22 Caliber Firearms and Smaller (given proper barrel threading)Weight: 2.9ozHeat Treatment: Ferritic NitrocarburizationSurface Finish: CeraKote Flat Dark EarthDesign Features: Wrench Flats: 3/4" wrench flat for easy installationRadial Fluting: 8 weight reducing flutesKVP Linear Compensators are a muzzle device designed to collect and direct all the muzzle gasses forward, away from the shooter. Unlike other types of muzzle devices, KVP linear comps actually lower the decibel the shooter experiences while shooting the rifle. This lowered perceived decibel is especially noticeable in shorter barreled rifles while shooting high power rounds. Kaw Valley Precision Compensators can also aid in the cycling of an AR15 SBR or Pistol with the increased back pressure provided by the comp that traditional flash hiders do not provide. KVP Products are proudly designed and made here in Kansas!Photos provided by Stickman
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